Representatives of the packaging and plastics sector have convened at the invitation of SEPA.The message of increasing sectoral solidarity was conveyed during the meeting.
Representatives of the packaging and plastics sector convened on April 15th, 2015, a Wednesday at the invitation of SEPA (Rigid Plastic Packaging Manufacturers Association).In addition to members of SEPA, the evening was attended by non-governmental organizations of the plastics sector such as PAGEV (the Turkish Plastics Industry Foundation), PAGDER (Turkish Plastics Industrialists Association), and İSO (Istanbul Chamber of Industry).
During his opening address, SEPA Chairman Osman Acun shared the impacts of the Communiqué on Control of Import with respect to Chemicals Controlled with Respect to the Protection of the Environment on the sector, and suggested solutions with sector representatives.A message of determination was conveyed at the meeting for increasing sectoral solidarity and taking stronger steps forward.