PLASFED, Turkish Plastics Industrialists Federation

Turkish plastics industry’s vision for 2023 is to stand out with advanced technology and higher added value such as; aviation, telecommunication, medicine, defense industry, reducing the usage of resources by increasing recycling, increasing energy efficiency in manufacturing technologies, and achieving 4 % of the total country target export of USD billion 500 and 30 % of the total chemical industry’s target export, with USD billion 18.
Growing over national economy every year, Turkish plastics industry puts in a successful performance and proceeds to become a global player with its processing capacity. Parallel to its growth, though, problems of the industry keep growing as well. Most of these problems appear to be of structural and domestic origin.
Believing that all non-governmental organizations operating in the industry  should be in cooperation and coalition under the same roof in order to resolve the problems affecting the prospects of the plastics industry and achieve the industry’s vision for 2023, 5 pioneering associations of Turkish plastics industry, which maintains its determination of rising to a globally recognized position, came together on 28 October 2011 and established the federation of the plastics industry  (PLASFED – Plastics Industrialists Federation). Thus, the Turkish plastics industry has also gained a global structure as an organization.
PLASFED represents approximately 1.306 companies with its 6 associations.
Main Purposes of PLASFED
  •     Moving the developed projects to relevant platforms by establishing cooperation and coalition between sectorial non-governmental organizations of and relevant to plastics,
  •     Helping relevant state organizations with taking measures for resolving such problems,
  •     Conducting works to prepare the best conditions for growth and efficiency of its members,
  •     Meeting high demands of manufacturing processes and products in terms of health, safety, and environment,
  •     Performing all activities necessary for development of the sector,
  •     Informing the industry about subjects such as regulations, technology, taxes, employment, personnel, work health and safety, commercial law etc.
  •     Promulgating the importance of the plastics industry within the national economy and take part in the resolution of problems,
  •     Cooperating with public and social representatives and providing policies that are based on accurate and scientific knowledge,
  •     Promulgating the contribution of plastics to sustainable progress, innovation, and life quality,
  •     Educating the public and creating awareness about the plastics industry, as well as correcting the misinformation about plastics.

PLASFED’İN 2023 YILI VİZYONU Türkiye plastik sektörünün havacılık, telekomünikasyon, medikal, savunma sanayi gibi ileri teknoloji ve yüksek katma değerli sektörlerde öne çıkması, geri dönüşümü artırarak kaynak kullanımını azaltmak, üretim teknolojilerinde enerji verimliliğini arttırmak ve 18 milyar dolar ihracat ile 500 milyar dolarlık toplam ihracat hedefinin yüzde 4’ünü, alt sektörü olduğumuz 50 milyar dolarlık kimya ihracat hedefinin yüzde 30’unu gerçekleştirmektir..



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